Euryops chrysanthemoides

Euryops chrysanthemoides – African Bush Daisy

Bright yellow daisy-like flowers cover this bush for many months.


This is a compact, densely branched, evergreen shrub, up to 1½m in height, with finely divided grey-green leaves. It is a member of the Aster family (Asteraceae), with foliage and flowers that are reminiscent of Chrysanthemum.


E. Chrysanthemoides comes from the coastal areas of South Africa. It is usually found on forest edges, in riverine bush and in ravines, as well as in coastal scrub, grassland and disturbed areas.

Soil / Aspect:

This plant needs good drainage and plenty of sun. It will tolerate light frosts. If it does die back, be patient as it may come again from the roots in spring. It will not survive in exposed sites over winter, even in Karin’s garden.


E. chrysanthemoides needs little care. If you do want to restrict growth then there is no clear end to flowering to signal when to prune. So lightly trim it back, do not cut back to hard woody stems, in September. It has no significant pest or disease problems.