Epilobium canum “Solidarity Pink” – Californian Fuchsia
Masses of tubular pink flowers over drought resistant foliage for many weeks in late summer.

This is a spreading herbaceous perennial, that dies down over winter. It flowers on terminal racemes that keep flowering at the tip as each stem grows, giving it a long flowering season. It does spread year-by-year,which can be controlled by cutting back the perimeter with a spade each spring as the new shoots appear.
E. canum has long been known as Zauschneria californica, and its English name is the Californian Fuschia. It is native to dry slopes of western North America, especially California. Solidarity Pink fits the colour scheme for our private garden. However, the classic colour for this plant would be bright scarlet. In its native habitat the flowers are very attractive to hummingbirds.
Soil / Aspect:
This is a reliable plant in Karin’s Garden once established. It prefers full sun and is extremely drought tolerant, with many varieties having hairy grey leaves. It likes the well drained soil and nothing more than the lightest of frosts. It is best grown at the front of a border or shrubbery and it does not like to have other herbaceous plants falling over it.
Provided your plant is happy and vigorous, you will end up digging it back each spring. It is not invasive in the way that Anemone japonica is, but you get the idea. It really does not like being moved. However, if you must you can take rooted cuttings from the new growth each spring; though the stems are bare underground for some distance, so you have to dig down a long way. Otherwise this is completely trouble free.