Abelia x grandiflora “Confetti” – Glossy Abelia
Lilac-tinged flowers mature to white in late summer, to compliment the finely textured, variegated foliage.
This is a compact, semi-evergreen shrub that grows to a maximum of 1.5M. The bracts and the new growth, along with the lilac tinge to the buds and new flowers, combine with the variegated foliage to give a jewelled appearance. Whilst this is a more beautiful variegated form than the more yellow “Hopleys”, “Confetti” will revert periodically.
Abelia x grandiflora is a hybrid of A. chinensis and A. uniflora, both of which come from China originally. Abelia are actually in the Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliacaea) though the scent is not particularly remarkable. The systematic botanists have had their way with Abelia, so it has been Linnaea since 2013 apparently. Indeed there is some suggestion that it was first given this name in 1872, which is probably where that name should have stayed.
Soil / Aspect:
A. x grandiflora is a hardy and reliable plant which prefers sun or partial shade in a well drained soil. However it seems to be tolerant of pretty much anything in Karin’s Garden, apart from full shade when it will become thin and unattractive.
If you are growing this as a hedge then you’ll have to shear it. However, the form is better appreciated if you can find the time to selectively prune it. Whilst not exactly “dwarf” this plant is definitely compact, so you can pretty much just leave it to do its thing. It has no significant pest or disease problems.