Galanthus x “Kildare” – Snowdrop

This is a clump-forming bulb that thrives in well-drained woodland situations. Nodding white flowers with delicate green markings, over strap-like leaves, in mid-winter.

Snowdrops are ubiquitous in Northern European gardens, but less so in New Zealand. Their origins are from similar latitudes to New Zealand’s South Island, so the climate is unlikely to be a problem; and they are available. Maybe, if you do not grow up with them you just don’t think to look out for them. Certainly they are a wonderful reminder that the year has turned and days will soon be lengthening.

The particular one pictured here is in a friend’s garden, and it has beautiful “transient” markings, to use the galanthophile terminology, on the outer petals. However all Snowdrops are a delight. If you have the choice, maybe go for the slightly larger and more robust Galanthus elwesii.

Click here to view the Galanthus x “Kildare” page in Karin’s Garden.